Health Is Wealth

Health Is Wealth

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I learned the lesson that health is wealth after my mother passed away from cancer at age 54.

The good I’ve harvested is that it created a burning desire within me to help other people with their health and success so they can live their purpose.

Regardless of the success I am after, I never sacrifice my health to achieve my goals.

If you’re going for your dreams but are burning out your body, what is the point of having goals?

But yet, I’ve seen and treated hundreds of people over the years who live life opposite to this – they strive for their goals at great cost to their health.

They skip exercise in favor of getting that one extra thing done. They neglect healthy eating in favor of convenience and saving time. And they choose potent drugs to treat ailments that shouldn’t be there in the first place.

By the time they come to see me, they’re regretful that their health has failed them because they traded short-term gains for long-term pains.

OR, they set a goal for their health every New Year’s… but then completely give up on it because they don’t understand that great health is a tool to help them live their purpose.

Why is it that the ONE thing that truly matters most is the one that is given up on the fastest?

It would seem paradoxical, right?

By Dr. Nana Jokura